Panoramic 360

360 degree feedback survey assesses an employee’s personality traits, managerial competencies, and other characteristics from the perspectives of their managers, colleagues, and subordinates, as well as their own.

You have full control over which competencies to include.
You can add your own set of questions.

Report includes

6 personality factors

community, ideas, organisation, extroversion, emotions, values.

24 personality traits

social boldness, flexibility, ambition, curiosity, tactfulness, enthusiasm, and others.

5 key managerial competencies

organisational leadership, personal leadership, human resources management, communication, and teamwork.

15 managerial sub-competencies

crisis management, feedback, employee motivation, productivity, initiative, and others.

More about the test

Added value

UNLOCK Panoramic 360 degree feedback program gives insight into manager’s performance through the eyes of their managers, colleagues, and subordinates.

This provides a better understanding of managerial competencies assessment and delivers clear guidelines for behavioral change and personal development.

Areas of application

  • Performance evaluation
  • Leadership skills development
  • Building positive team culture
  • Career planning

User groups

Heads of HR
Talent managers
Department heads
Sales managers
Board members

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