
Latest research and insights in HR assessment

Veiklos vertinimo pokalbis. Unlock Test Performance įrankis

Performance review and its benefits

Do you have performance reviews in your organisation? If not, it’s time to start!

We often hear managers say, “We don’t need these conversations, we already talk to our people every week.

Performance Reviews: a discussion of long-term goals and achievements

However, it’s not just about having conversations, it’s far more important what you talk about. Quantity and quality are not the same thing. The main purpose of these conversations is not to discuss daily tasks, but rather to focus on a longer period: a quarter, six months, a year. What has been achieved? What has been done? What challenges have been faced and how have they been overcome?

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Personalo valdymo pasiruošimo darbai vasarą. Diagnostiniai organizacijų tyrimai. Unlock Tests

What Should HR Prepare for in the Summer?

Summer is an excellent time to not only take a break from work but also to start preparing for the autumn season. This ensures that you are not caught off guard by autumn and the subsequent winter. Plan ahead to confidently enter the new season and manage HR processes more smoothly.

In HR, surprises are common, so it’s crucial to control what you can. Organisational research, which occur annually, are among the easiest processes to plan.

Determine which surveys and assessment tests you intend to conduct and create a plan

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Grįžtamasis ryšis ir darbuotojų įsitraukimas. Unlock Tests seminaras

Feedback and Employee Engagement in the Public Sector: Seminar Insights

Seminar: “How to Implement 360 Feedback and Employee Engagement Surveys in the Public Sector?”

On April 18th, our team invited public sector HR specialists and managers to a seminar.

We are excited to share moments and key insights that are also highly applicable in the private sector.

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Personalo atrankos su asmenybės vertinimo testu.

LIVE: How to Prevent Missteps in Employee Search and Selection? – Key Recommendations

Staff Selection

Selection is an important aspect of human resource management, as it determines the team we assemble and how well they will perform. How can we manage this process effectively, and what are the key points we must not overlook? We share the most important selection recommendations.

Prepare for the Selection

Define your requirements. Often, companies initiate the recruitment process without thoroughly assessing what they truly need.

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Komandinis darbas - efektyvi komanda. Unlock Test straipsnis

Employee Engagement Survey: From Data Analysis to Specific Actions

Employee engagement surveys have become a top priority in modern organisations—and for good reason. Engaged employees are more productive, innovative, and loyal, which ultimately leads to greater profitability and a stronger competitive edge. But how can we truly understand and optimize the employee experience within an organisation?

Employee Experience Assessment

This assessment, crafted using the latest research and methodologies, offers valuable insights. Nevertheless, analysing and interpreting the results can be a complex and labor-intensive task. Here, we provide essential tips to transform employee engagement survey data into a clear and actionable plan for the company.

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Komandinis darbas - efektyvi komanda. Unlock Test straipsnis

Effective HR Management: The Importance of Organisational Diagnostics

Employee Search. How to Properly Select Candidates?

  • How can you maximize the potential of each team member?
  • How successful is your management team in leading? And how can leadership be strengthened?
  • What are your organisation’s strengths and weaknesses? What do your employees value the most, and what would they like to change in the company?

Every HR specialist and/ or manager ask themselves these questions. An organization is nothing without its team. You can have the best equipment, the latest computers, or the most beautiful office, but if there is no one to work, all of it loses meaning.

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Vadovų ugdymas organizacijoje. 360 tyrimas. Grįžtamasis ryšys. UNLOCK tests

Grow Your Leaders: The Importance of 360 Feedback

Managers significantly impact employee well-being, work quality, and retention. Often, managers are pivotal in an employee’s decision to stay or leave an organisation. As the saying goes, “People don’t leave bad jobs, they leave bad managers.”

Therefore, fostering and nurturing leadership skills should be a top priority for any company. A range of effective tools can facilitate this development, including:

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Personalo atrankos ir asmenybės testas. UNLOCK Tests

Recruitment: What Do Personality Tests Reveal?

Over the past decade, finding candidates has become increasingly difficult. Recruiting new talent is now a major challenge, and the pressure to hire quickly can be overwhelming. However, rushing the process isn’t a good idea. Quick decisions can lead to having to start the hiring process all over again, which means more time, costs, and effort spent on onboarding.

How to Avoid Recruitment Mistakes and Ensure a Candidate is the Right Fit for Your Organisation?

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Darbuotojų įsitraukimo tyrimas. UNLOCK Tests

10 Tips for a Successful Employee Engagement Survey

An employee engagement survey, also known as a psychological climate or organisational microclimate survey, is designed to assess your employees’ satisfaction with their work, managers, colleagues, and other areas important to your company. It’s like taking your organization’s temperature and capturing a snapshot of the overall company picture.

This organisational microclimate survey performs a diagnostic function, allowing you to create an action plan to improve the workplace situation. The value you derive from it will depend on how well you prepare for it and how effectively you conduct it.

We share the most important tips for assessing employee experience.

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