Error Checking Ability

Ability test assesses an employee’s accuracy, attention to detail, and speed of error detection.

Test duration: up to 14 mins

Report includes

Overall test score

based on the number of correctly solved tasks by an individual

Time vs Test score scatterplot

showing the relationship between the number of correct answers and the time taken to complete the test by an individual

Team reports available

More about the test

Added value

UNLOCK Error Checking Ability aptitude test assesses your employee’s or candidate’s attention to detail and their ability to spot inconsistencies or mistakes quickly and effectively.

Attention to detail and thoroughness are critical when the cost of even the smallest mistake is high. Knowing your team’s skills can increase the efficiency of task delegation and helps to prevent costly mistakes.

Areas of application

  • All areas involving numerical, alphanumeric, or combined information
  • All areas relying on an employee’s ability to detect errors in text and random sequences quickly and accurately
  • All areas requiring high precision in analysing, checking, or presenting textual and numerical information

User groups

Heads of HR
Hiring and recruitment specialists
Talent managers
Department heads
Sales managers
Marketing heads

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